Student flying a light aircraft

RNN Group Rewards High Flying Students

23 May 2024

All RNN Group students with high attendance were given the opportunity to apply for the high-flying communities award.

This award involved submitting a proposal with their ideas for a community project, that would develop opportunities, broaden horizons and improve life chances for young people in their local area.

The successful project bids were awarded the opportunity to fly in a light aircraft over their local area. See the photos and the video below.

Light aircraft to be flown by our students
The light aircraft ready to go
View from the window of a student flying a light aircraft
Up in the air

The first lot of students from Rotherham College went on their flights on Thursday 9th May, where they flew from Nottingham airport all the way to Rotherham, and saw the College and town from the sky. They then flew back via the Derwent Dam and Chatsworth house.

This was an opportunity that many will never have again, for some this was first time on a plane so it definitely was a memorable experience for all.

Student flying a light aircraft
A student flying a light aircraft
Student flying a light aircraft over Rotherham College
Flying over Rotherham College

Find out more about the aviation course at Rotherham College.

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