Graduate Enjoying Dream Job at Nursery
Rotherham College student, Kay Hall, will be graduating this year and has a full-time job as a Nursery Officer at Bright Skies Day Nursery in Dinnington that she loves.
Kay, who went to Dinnington Comprehensive School, always knew she wanted to work with children. She chose to begin her career with a Level 3 course in Childcare at Rotherham College four years ago.
As part of her course she needed to complete 800 hours of work placement in a variety of local childcare settings. One of her placements was at Rotherham College’s Bright Skies Day Nursery, where she successfully gained a full-time position. The nursery is based in Dinnington and offers Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ childcare all year round to both staff, students and the local community.
Kay began working with babies and then chose to work with the 3-5 year olds who are her preferred age group. She has just completed her Foundation Degree in Childhood Studies and will be graduating this November. She then plans to continue with her work for a year with a break from education and then to top-up her degree to a BA (Hons) in Childhood Studies at the brand new University Centre Rotherham (UCR).
Kay said, “I’ll be so proud once I’ve finished, I’ve worked really hard and I’m excited to graduate this year.
“My favourite part of my course is bringing new ideas to the nursery because you learn so much, it’s hard work doing it full-time but you reap the benefits and I’ve enjoyed it. I definitely would recommend my course to others.”