Our Top 6 Revision Tips

Blog: Our Top 6 Revision Tips

22 February 2022

Exam season is fast approaching, but don’t worry, you’ve got this. Have a read of our top 6 tips on how to beat exam stress and get ahead of the game.

Make a Realistic Plan

Don’t stress yourself out by cramming everything into one day. Make the most of your time and organise your subjects by making a timetable. Professor Tom Stafford, from the University of Sheffield, also recommends taking regular breaks between revisions to allow the brain to store information. Try 45 minutes of work and then a 15-minute break to keep yourself stimulated.

Start Early

Everyone loves a lie in… but beginning revision by 9/10am means you will have more time to relax and chill with friends in the evening. Those of you studying Business or Psychology may be familiar with motivational theories. The Incentive theory states that you’re more willing to complete certain tasks by adding incentives. Rewarding yourself with plans to look forward to will motivate you to work harder and ensure you’re still having fun!

Keep it Exciting

Get to know your learning style by taking this quick online test to find out whether you’re a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner. When making notes, use coloured pens and doodles to make it more interesting. Voice record yourself reading notes out loud and listen to it before bed or on the bus. Post-it notes your house to act as fun visual reminders.

Do it with Friends

Flashcards are another great way to make revision fun. Assess how well you are retaining information by asking for help. Ask your family or meet up with mates and make a game out of it by quizzing each other on revision topics. Download Quizlet, a FREE flashcard app, onto your phone so you can take them wherever you go.

Go Online

Most exam boards have past papers online which are free to access and practice. Although this may seem boring, it will help you to familiarise yourself with the question styles. Another top tip is reading exam reports. Exam boards post documents online that are written by the markers telling you what they like to read. Yes – really! They also give examples of what not to do.

Brain Food

Eat regularly and get enough sleep to keep up energy levels. According to Dr Corinne Allen, brain cells need double the amount of energy than any other cell in the body. Try to cut out stodgy foods such as fast food and eat snacks such as apple and peanut butter, eggs and cereals that release energy slowly so you don’t start to flag.

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